Offshore Sailing Association
(Meetings are on the 3rd WED of each month). TIME 7:00 to 9:30 PM. PLACE
The Royal Canadian Legion, Norwood Branch, No 178
MEMBERSHIP is $25/person/year and $10/spouse or $5/person/meeting
APPLICATION FORM (Please bring exact
payment to meeting) |
Wednesday, January 20, 2016SUBJECT - The video "Cruising the Red Sea" was shown, to the enjoyment of all, and they never saw one pirate!
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 SUBJECT 1 - Annual General Meeting Green Boating.
In July and August of 2015 Bettina and Jeff Foster from SBYC sailed aboard the blue-water training vessel, Mahina Tiare III, a Hallberg-Rassy 46 owned by John and Amanda Swan Neal. The crew sailed from the Azores, making several stops in Ireland then past the Giants Causeway at the North of Ireland to sail Scotland. Along the way they encountered a gale to round out their learning experience. Come join us as they recount their trip. Meeting Date, Time & Place
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 SUBJECT 1 - Business Meeting. SUBJECT 2 - In previous meetings Bob Goethe presented an enthusiastic preamble to the Celestial Navigation course that he taught at the Edmonton Yacht Club last summer, a thoughtful personal personal exploration of Man Overboard recovery techniques, and recollections of a return delivery trip from Hawaii to Victoria (Vic Maui Race in Reverse). Bob returns with a retrospective on the Celestial Navigation course and his thoughts on future courses as well as updating us on any new thinking about MOB recovery. Sure to be another lively discussion.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Enjoy the summer sailing season. See you in November. |
Summer break for sailing & stuff. |
Wednesday, November 16, 2016 ELECTIONS - For the following positions (elected shown):
Pssst. The 2016 executive position were be filled by acclimation. SUBJECT (Importing a Sailboat) - Dan Meade, the 2016 Fleet Captain of SBYC, will discuss importing a sailboat. I had Panache tied to the SBYC dock this summer to work (and waste time) with Bob Brunelle when Dan and I started comparing notes on boat repair. (Spray lithium grease is really good stuff). That's when he said he'd owned several J boats, importing them all from the good ole USA. He talked about the process of buying, the logistics of hauling, and documents required for the border crossing. So..... this was a natural subject for an AOSA meeting.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016