Alberta Offshore Sailing Association
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Dates    Jan 18 - Feb 15 - Mar 15 - Apr 19 - SUMMER BREAK - Nov 15 - Dec 13.
               (Meetings are on the 3rd WED of each month). 

Time       7:00 to 9:30 PM.

Place     The Royal Canadian Legion, Norwood Branch, No 178
               11150 - 82 St. NW
               Edmonton, Alberta
               (780) 479-4277
                Meeting is in the dart room, adjacent to the canteen downstairs.

AOSA MEMBERSHIP is $25/person/year and $10/spouse or $5/person/meeting   APPLICATION FORM (Please bring exact payment to meeting)

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

SPEAKER Bradley Peters is a biologist and Executive Director of ALMS (Alberta Lake Management Society).  The society's LakeWatch Program uses volunteers to conduct monitoring at approximately 30 Alberta lakes each summer.  The purpose of this program is to identify invasive species; cyanobacteria (blue green algae) and water chemistry.  Bradley will talk about the interesting work they do and how you can become part of looking after an Alberta lake, if you are so inclined.

So is this an invasive species or not?  Come to the meeting to find out. 

Meeting Date, Time & Place

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

SPEAKER Greg & Barb Barnes are long time local sailors who keep their boat on the west coast.  They will speak about their cruise to the Broughton Archipelago.  Just to wet your appetite, here are a few of their photos sailing into Boot Leg Cove on Gilford Island. 


Tribune Channel, Gilford Island.


I don't know about you but I'm getting hungry.

  Meeting Date, Time & Place


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

SPEAKER -  To continue our theme on invasive species come join Janine Higgins, a Community Engagement Lead with Alberta Environment and Parks, to learn about the invasive species threatening Alberta and the Aquatic Invasive Species program built to battle them.  This is the muscle of the program to prevent their establishment in Alberta.  Janine will introduce the Respect our Lakes Program and the actions you can take to help protect our lakes from more than just invasive species.  A lot of this is simple precautionary stuff but there are a few tid bits of info you should be aware of.

  • Know the law, Pull the plug - It is illegal to transport a water craft with the drain plug still in place.  It is also illegal to transport lake water to another lake or stream.  So dump it back in the same body of water you took it from.
  • Clean, drain, dry your boat.  View their online video.
  • Water craft inspection. - Bypassing a manned open inspection station while transporting a water craft can result in a fine of up to $10,000 or 12 months in jail.  Holy smokes!  View their online video.  An inspection station may have a zebra sniffing dog. If your boat gets a clean bill of health after an inspection for mud, plants, drain plug open, and no standing water, you will receive a "Proof of Inspection" that details the results.  Keep it with the boat for a possible subsequent query by a Fisheries Officer or Guardian. 

I will leave further info at each club this summer.

Community Engagement Lead
Central Service Area
Alberta Environment & Parks

Meeting Date, Time & Place


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

SPEAKER -  Leslie and Barry will speak this evening about their vessel delivery down the west coast.  They look like they are enjoying themselves.  Not sure whose boat they are delivering but you will hear about it at the meeting.


Meeting Date, Time & Place


Enjoy the summer break for sailing & stuff.  See you in November.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

ELECTIONS - For the following positions:

  • Commodore (Phil Sutton).
  • Vice Commodore (Charlie Patching).
  • Secretary (Linda Payne).
  • Treasurer (Ron van Amsterdam).
  • Fleet Captain (Jim Spalding).
  • Communications (Bob Schimmel).

SPEAKER -  On "buying" a boat in Maine and hauling it home.  My cousin lives on an island off the Maine coast, a beautiful location.  He has five sailboats, a lobster boat and a dinghy he can sail.  He bought a used boat which is when I took the Island Excalibur off his hands.  I previously had a new trailer shipped to Maine to tow the boat home to Edmonton.  I've spent the last two summers fixing it up.  Dave Carr.


Meeting Date, Time & Place


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

SPEAKER -  Tonight we will show an interesting video posing the following questions:  

  • Did a royal expedition by the Egyptians to a treasure laden , mysterious land as depicted on the wall  of a temple built for the female pharaoh Hatshepsut,  actually happen? 
  • Did the Egyptians have the expertise to build a vessel and embark on a long sea voyage? 

Archaeologists and boat builders reconstructed the vessel shown on the temple wall and launched it on a voyage to answer these questions.

Meeting Date, Time & Place