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Date      Jan 15, Feb 19, March 19, April 16, / Nov 19, Dec 17.
                (The 3rd WEDNESDAY of each month.)

Time       7:00 to 9:00 PM.

Where    The Royal Canadian Legion, Kingsway Branch No 175
                10425-Kingsway Ave, Rendezvous' Room (2nd flr.)
                Contact Person - Florence Werner 425-8654.

MEETING THEME: This year's meetings will focus on racing and navigation as many sailors are now entering Wednesday night racing and using their GPS receiver to find the next mark.  Of course a GPS receiver can also be used for fast cruising, just in case you have to duck for shelter in the nearest hurricane hole. Unfortunately many sailors are not quite familiar enough with the technology to receive the most benefit from it.  

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Sailboat fleet racing is usually an issue of sail trim and concentration for flat out boat speed to cross the finish line before the other boat. Sometimes though, it's an issue of blocking the competition to disadvantage them, in which case the fleet race has just become a mini match race. Knowing when to call off the match race and return to fleet racing is crucial to winning. Ah strategy, just in time for the America Cup. 

WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO WIN CONSISTENTLY? - If the skipper and crew of Nemere III enter a race you can be sure that they will be on the winners podium. However, winning is not automatically guaranteed as  there were times during the 2002 Alberta Cup where Nemere III was not at the front of the pack. They dug in their heels and worked very hard over the next leg to regain the lead. It takes motivation and practice to develop a crew for this degree of dedication. They don't become good overnight. Fine tuning a boat is also not done in one weekend. Listen to Julius discuss boat design, crew management, sail technology, etc. 

Race RulesKrzystof Machnowski is the previous ASA provincial coach and has lots of racing skills. He will discuss racing rules (both match and pursuit) and some strategies.  TOP

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

TECH TIP - Randy Stiles demonstrated the two ball valves which are used in boats. One of them the correct type (expensive) and the other the landlubber type (cheap). There is a subtle difference between the two and when you consider the slightly extra cost of the correct type versus the cost of raising your boat from the bottom, well you get the picture! 

TWO BURNER CUISINE - Barb Barnes is a home economist and supervisor of the Atco Blue Flame Kitchen and she has a long list of credentials to qualify her as a culinary genius. Her enlightening thoughts on menu selection, nutrition, preparation, food storage and cooking techniques as it applies to boating will open your eyes. Barb's sailing experience started on Wabamun Lake, cruising overnight on a cramped 21 foot sailboat. She currently sails on the west coast with her husband on a very spacious Beneteau 35. However, she has never forgotten the lessons she learned  on Wabamun Lake when there were no restaurants around to sail to. There is so much interest in this subject that the whole meeting will be devoted to it.   TOP

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

E.Y.C. DOCKS - Dan will give a presentation on the new dock arrangements planned for 2003. The old ones are a bit beat up over the years and a bit unstable when the waves are in just the right direction. 

MARINE VHF RADIO - The Canadian Government is no longer issuing the marine VHF Radio Operator's Certificate. The requirements for having a certificate haven't changed so where do you get one today? Sandy Keith will discuss the reason why you should have an operator's certificate and also describe the new acquisition procedures and costs. He will also give a brief description of the protocols to be used while talking on the radio. This could be interesting! 

CHARTERING ON THE WEST COAST Colin Jackson, Director of Cooper Boating Centre on Granville Island, Vancouver will speak at the meeting to talk  about chartering and the 'boating lifestyle' on the west coast. 

  • What are the requirements and procedures for chartering a boat from Cooper? 
  • What documentation does Cooper expect from the charterer? 
  • What are the boat pickup and delivery times? 
  • What equipment is the charterer expected to bring? (wet gear, life jacket, bedding, etc). 
  • With regard to provisioning, are condiments on board? (HP may not make the steak but their sauce sure makes it taste better!). 
  • How to pay for the charter. 
  • Explain the rates and dates of low, mid and high season. 
  • Insurance - Is the hull/keel checked by a diver?   TOP


Wednesday, April 16, 2003

TECH TIP - Need a convenient way of coiling and storing a long line on your boat. Bob Schimmel will demonstrate an inexpensive reel that can be purchased locally. 

WABAMUN WATCH - Presentation by Hugh King about the upcoming open house to be held at the Community Hall in Wabamun at Saturday, May 10, 10:00 hrs. There will be several presentations of interest to Wabamun sailors. 

CURRENT SAIL CLOTH TECHNOLOGY - Dave Miller from North Sails Canada will be coming in from Vancouver to discuss the rich sailing history of the Miller family, the current trends of sail cloth and he will hopefully answer the question of, "just how many tacks is one of those expensive America's Cup jibs good for anyway"?   TOP

Summer break for sailing and stuff.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

INTRODUCTION - Announcements.

TECH TIP - 12VDC trouble light, vinyl cable reel for line or AC power cord. 

SUBJECT 1 - The subject of this meeting started with an email I received from Jim Scott last Spring, requesting charts for the west coast. I thought this request was a bit odd, me being landlocked in Alberta and all that, but the good ole AOSA distribution list came to the rescue. I received several good leads but none was as good as the offer from our own Phil Sutton who graciously supplied a complete set. BUT you just know there has to be a catch to this! 

With a bit more probing I discovered the charts were to deliver Scaurand II (Valiant 40) from Seward, Alaska to Bellingham, Washington. Wow what trip. So, since they wouldn't let me onboard as crew (crew list was full, dammit), I connected Phil (chart owner) with Jim (skipper) on the promise that lots of pictures would be taken for a presentation at an AOSA meeting. So for the November 19 meeting we have five of the crew to entertain you with their stories and slides. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

INTRODUCTION - Announcements.


ELECTIONS - For the following positions: Commodore, Vice Commodore, Secretary/Treasurer, Fleet Captain, Web Master. Click here to see who was elected. 

SUBJECT 1 - History of the AOSA by some of the founding members and past commodores. This turned out to have few surprises. I am currently composing this info. Click here to read the preliminary. 

SUBJECT 2 - The making of a first aid kit that is useful on a boat by Ralph Fuchs.  This presentation generated some interesting discussions about treating burns and recovering a man overboard.  We might even try an exercise this summer to test some of the ideas. TOP