Alberta Offshore Sailing Association
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AOSA OFFICERS for 2021-22.


$$ RANK &
NAME Replace the " at " with @.
  (anti spam)

 Commodore  Bob Schimmel Email 1999


 Vice-Commodore    Dave Carr Email 2018

 Secretary / Treasurer  Linda Payne Email 2016


 Director  Bob Brunelle Email 2022
 Moorings & Buoys
 Charlie Patching Email 2022
 Fleet Captain  Jim Spalding Email 2016
   Past Commodore  Phil Sutton Email 2019
  • NOTE: These officers have bank signing authority.  Each cheque requires 2 signatures for approval.


NOTE - As of 2002, the annual general election has been advanced from December to November for the following reasons: 

  1. To leave sufficient time for the Treasurer to update the bank account signing authority. 

  2. To leave sufficient time for the new Commodore to plan meetings and speakers for the upcoming year.

Christmas is busy enough as it is.  And last but not least:

  1. If there are AOSA members who want a CYA membership then this leaves sufficient time to register them with ASA so a sailor can receive their CYA card in the same sailing season it is paid for! (The ASA office appreciates any lead time to update the CYA membership data base. They are usually short on volunteer staff).


AOSA Officer Job Functions

Commodore - The civilian version of the Naval rank of Admiral.  The Commodore runs the fleet and his word is law.  However, in the interest of maintaining the volunteers, it is prudent to ask, persuade and cajole your fellow officers instead of bullying, belittling or barking orders at them.  The AOSA has progressed quite nicely over the years in keeping with this spirit! 

  • Arranges for a suitable location for the winter meetings and schedules the monthly dates, November to May.  Best to review this in the spring . 

  • Plans the AOSA meetings and arranges for subject matter speakers.  Planning is infinitely easier if you pick a theme for the year.  Always have a meeting subject in pocket in case a speaker cancels. For fair and orderly discussion the formal part of the meeting is guided by Robert's Rules of Conduct.

  • Plans the mid-winter gear swap, date and location. 

  • Officiates at AOSA summer events, etc. 

  • Delegates work to other officers or volunteers as required.  Commodore can't be the only person to make this association function.

  • Has final say to break a tie vote or approve/disapprove expenditures. 

  • Sell memberships. 

  • Buys beer for the AOSA officers!  TOP

Past-Commodore - The outgoing Commodore fills this position to advise the Commodore and keep him out of trouble! 

  • Gives advice to the new Commodore.

  • May represent the Commodore during his absence. 

  • Sell memberships. 

  • Be ready and willing to drink the beer that the Commodore will buy!   TOP

Vice-Commodore - The Vice-Commodore fills this position to create continuity. 

  • Gives advice to the new Commodore.

  • Assists the Commodore in his chores. 

  • May represent the Commodore during his absence. 

  • Sell memberships. 

  • Be ready and willing to drink the beer that the Commodore will buy!   TOP

Secretary - Maintains the correspondence of the Association as required. 

  • Purchase equipment and supplies with approval and consensus of other officers. 

  • Record the minutes of each executive meetings or other important meetings.  

  • Submits a copy of the annual general meeting with the year end financial report to the GOA to maintain the association's status under Societies Act. (date?) (form?)

  • May represent the Commodore during his absence. 

  • Be ready and willing to drink the beer that the Commodore will buy!   TOP

Treasurer - Maintains the finances of the Association as required. 

  • Purchase equipment and supplies with approval and consensus of other officers. 

  • All expenditures must be made with a cheque.  All cheques require two signatures.  Must file a receipt for each expenditure. 

  • Maintain the financial records of the association with the AOSA record books and submit a copy of the year end financial report to the annual general meeting.   (date?) (form?)

  • May represent the Commodore during his absence. 

  • Sell memberships. 

  • Be ready and willing to drink the beer that the Commodore will buy!   TOP

Communications - Maintains the AOSA web site.

  • Must have a good understanding of web site creation and publishing. 

  • Should have some artistic flair for creating interesting pages. 

  • Stays on the pulse of events at the lake and within the sailing community, including ASA and CYA. 

  • Maintains the distribution list. 

  • Posts all relevant news in a timely fashion (this has replaced the Blooper). 

  • Ensures accuracy of the web site content including functioning links. 

  • May represent the Commodore during his absence. 

  • Sell memberships. 

  • Be ready and willing to drink the beer that the Commodore will buy!   TOP

Fleet Captain - Responsible for all on the water sailing events; Fun Race, Alberta Cup, etc.  Should take a race management course from CYA to manage them.  Functions include: 

  • Coerce Volunteers - On committee boat, time keeper, record keeper, flag operation, operate chase boat. 

  • Equipment - borrow a chase boat, flags, use of course, etc. 

  • Awards - Presentation announcements, trophies, dinner, etc. 

  • May represent the Commodore during his absence. 

  • Sell memberships. 

  • Be ready and willing to drink the beer that the Commodore will buy! TOP

Moorings Balls & Cardinal Buoys - Functions include: 

  • Responsible for ongoing maintenance to floats, chain, weights.

  • Coordinate the setting and retrieving of mooring buoys.

  • Coordinate the setting and retrieving of cardinal buoys.

  • Ensure they are set and retrieved in a timely manner.  TOP