Alberta Offshore Sailing Association
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About AOSA Lake List Distribution.

The new AOSA distribution system comes courtesy of Bob Brunelle for creating it and Bob Schimmel for maintaining it.  Please subscribe yourself to keep abreast of lake issues, emergency notices, sailing news, etc.  There really is no limit to how valuable this list can be if it is used effectively.

This list serves all Wabamun Lake sailors.  It is fairly low volume, quite personable and friendly.  Many of us have gotten together for cruises, races, or a raft up. 

Use AOSA Lake List Distribution.

NOTE - You must be a subscribed member to send an email via this list.  
- After you have joined send your email to  
- Create a new contact in your email application with the name "AOSA Distribution".  It is very handy for future use.

A few hints about using a mail distribution list to it's best advantage. 

  1. Use a meaningful subject & keep it pertinent to sailing matters. It is the ONLY purpose of this list. 

  2. It's best to distribute a text only email as it is quick to deliver, especially on a smart phone. 

  3. Avoid sending an attachment as some people still have a slow internet connection (dial modem) and it can be frustrating to wait online for a long delivery that may not apply to them. This mail server can only handle small attachments anyway. 

  4. Remember that an attachment written with Microsoft Word can only be read by MS Word, and NOT everyone has this application!  However, everyone can read a text email. 

Subscribe to AOSA Lake List Distribution.

This distribution list is located on Google Groups. 

  • Google groups can use any email address you want when creating an account to join the mailing list.

  • It is possible to register two different email addresses so you don't miss any messages; 1 for home & 1 for mobile for example.

  • The list manager application prevents the manager from adding an email to this list without their permission.

  • However, the list manager may invite you to join, and an email is sent to you to which you must reply to join.

  • The list of subscribers is available only to an list administrator.

Subscribe to AOSA distribution list by clicking on the following link to create a Gmail account:

- If you already have a Gmail account then you only have to sign in and subscribe to the Google Groups list. 
- If you don't have a Gmail account then click on SIGN UP to create one to subscribe to the Google Groups list. 

Subscription Type -  You will also be asked to select one of the following;

  • get emails as they happen,

  • receive a summary of emails each day,

  • receive all new emails in one email each day. 

My suggestion is to select "get emails as they happen" since it is the quickest way to receive an urgent email during an emergency at the lake.  We have recovered several boats and dinghies using this technique.

Unsubscribe from AOSA Distribution.

To unsubscribe:  (unsubscribe box)


Bob Schimmel   
AOSA Web Master