Offshore Sailing Association
About AOSA Lake List Distribution. |
The new AOSA distribution system comes courtesy of Bob Brunelle for creating it and Bob Schimmel for maintaining it. Please subscribe yourself to keep abreast of lake issues, emergency notices, sailing news, etc. There really is no limit to how valuable this list can be if it is used effectively. This list serves
all Wabamun Lake sailors. It is fairly low volume, quite
personable and friendly. Many of us have gotten together
for cruises, races, or a raft up. |
Use AOSA Lake List Distribution. |
A few hints about using a mail distribution list to it's best advantage.
Subscribe to AOSA Lake List Distribution. |
This distribution list is located on Google Groups.
Subscribe to AOSA distribution list by clicking on the following link to create a Gmail account: - If you already have a Gmail account then you
only have to sign in and subscribe to the Google Groups list.
Subscription Type - You will also be asked to select one of the following;
My suggestion
is to select "get emails as they happen" since it is the
quickest way to receive an urgent email during an emergency at the lake.
We have recovered several boats and dinghies using this technique.
Unsubscribe from AOSA Distribution. |
To unsubscribe:
(unsubscribe box) |
AOSA Web Master