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Date   The 4th WEDNESDAY of each month.
            Jan 3, Feb 7, March 7, April 4,
 / Oct 24, Nov 21.
            Time: 7:00 to 9:00 PM.

Where  The Royal Canadian Legion, Kingsway Branch No 175
              10425-Kingsway Ave, Rendezvous' Room (2nd flr)
              Contact Person - Florence Werner 425-8654


Jan 3, 2001               (Blooper not issued)

Barry Grove talked about his offshore trip from the Chesapeake to the Caribbean in his Dufour 40 sloop.  Excellent presentation.   TOP

Feb 7, 2001               (Blooper not issued)

Ravi Gill  spoke about an ancient trade route that Hindu sailors used between Konarak, India (birth place of Bhuda) and Bali, Indonesia. He gave some insight on the similar cultures of the two places and how this came to be. He had us rolling in the aisles with his sense of humour.  Altogether a very entertaining meeting.  He'll be back next year to talk about his trip, sailing around the world representing the Indian Navy.

SIKKENS CETOL MARINE COATING - Sikkens 1-800-833-7288 ext 377.    TOP

Mar 7, 2001                Blooper

Espar Boat Heater - Glen Lemke (sales) and Negussie Teka (mechanic) from Polar Mobility Research  gave an excellent presentation on the Espar D1LC heater and the issues regarding installation in a sailboat. Polar is the Espar distributor for Albert and NWT. Their DL1C heater is on sale at the time of this writing. Read the April Blooper. Please email me for extra brochures.

Flotilla Cruise around the Gulf Islands Hans Nederveen and Randy Stiles (standing in for Duncan) gave a kick start for all those planning to go on the cruise this summer. Many points were noted that must be taken of well ahead of time in order to be ready for the cruise next summer. The most important point being, now is the time to explore your options. Preparation is everything. Hans indicated that he will attend the cruise this year as he did for the Calgary bunch last year. It may be very comforting to some to have a knowledgeable person along. As a follow up Randy handed out a preliminary Cruise Plan   TOP

April 4, 2001              April Blooper

The feature speakers for the final meeting of the season will be two of the five crew from the Prairie Voyager (2000 Vic Maui race), Christopher Lemke (navigator & alt skipper) and Matt Law (helm, trim, emergency steering system, etc).
For those of you who are unaware, Prairie Voyager lost her rudder in mid-Pacific and finished the last 1000 miles under jury steering. Quite a feat.
I think you'll be impressed with their story. 
Everyone welcome. Cost is $3.00 for non-members. Tickets at the door.

NOTE: Due to a scheduling conflict at the Legion, this meeting has been moved to the Rockers Athletic Club, 6840-88St,  7:30PM.   TOP

Summer break for sailing and stuff.

Wed, October 24, 2001              October Blooper

SAIL REPAIR - Janet Oickle (780-962-6239) previously with North Sails Atlantic, in Lunenburg.  (The loft that made the sails for Blue Nose II).
WINTER ENGINE STORAGE - Grady Mckenzie, General Manager from Barry-Jay's Marine.

Wed, November 21, 2001             November Blooper

BOAT CUSHION MATERIALHosam from Wayne's Upholstery discussed foam and fabric as it applies to boats cushions, plus dodger hardware and construction.   TOP