Offshore Sailing Association
(Meetings are on the "3rd WED of each month"). Time 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Place
The Royal Canadian Legion, Norwood Branch, No 178 |
January 20, 2010
TECH TIP - Trailer Light Bulbs, DC wiring (do's and don'ts), SUBJECT 1 - WWMC update, VHF update (from last month) Phil Sutton. SUBJECT 2 - Sailing around Vancouver Island by Klause Grueber. |
February 19, 2010
TECH TIP - Nyet. SUBJECT 1 - The 31-metre ketch HMCS Oriole is both the oldest vessel and the longest serving commissioned ship in the Canadian Navy. Terry King is the Administrative Officer in HMCS Nonsuch, Edmonton’s naval reserve division. He is a lifelong sailor from high school in Edmonton, rising through the ranks in the navy to Chief Petty Officer First Class, the highest non-commissioned rank in the service. He was subsequently commissioned from the ranks, and is now a Lieutenant (Navy). Terry has done the Vic Maui run twice and was Coxswain (the senior non-commissioned sailor) in Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship Oriole. Terry will be talking about his experiences on HMCS Oriole. |
March 17, 2010
TECH TIP - ? SUBJECT 1 - Most of the water in Canada is cold year round. It’s cold water that is a major contributor to recreational drowning deaths year after year. We will be showing the "Cold Water Boot Camp" DVD. Some volunteers offered to ‘jump in with both feet’ and experience first hand what happens in 6C water. As well we will see the latest Medical data related to cold water - accumulated by researchers, agencies and the Coast Guard from across the country. Dr Gordon Giesbrecht, presents survival strategies for cold water. |
April 14, 2010
TECH TIP - ? SUBJECT 1 - The ice is out on Lake Wabamun, the sun is shinning, Summer is here. The next meeting of the AOSA will be held in October. See you on the water. Bob Brunelle |
Summer break for sailing & stuff. |
November 19, 2010
TECH TIP - ? ELECTIONS - For the following positions (elected shown):
SUBJECT 1 - Navigation by PC chart plotter (Bob Brunelle) and by GPS (Bob Schimmel). |
December 15, 2010
Demasting a Boat! (Cancelled due to snow storm. Moved to
January meeting). __________ SNOW STORM ___________ Apologies if you showed up at the Legion for last Wednesday's AOSA meeting. Because of the snowstorm the Legion decided to close early in the afternoon and sent their staff home. They just didn't tell us. When we got there at 5:30 the building was dark - and it was only by accident that we ran into the janitor and found out what the situation was. We put a note on the door... and I tried to send an email from my cell phone to warn you all off. For some reason the cell phone did not send out the message until 8:00 PM.. argh! The good news is that Duncan has agreed to recount the Swiftsure race at the January meeting. |