Offshore Sailing Association
(Meetings are on the "3rd WED of each month"). Time 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Place
The Royal Canadian Legion, Norwood Branch, No 178 |
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 SUBJECT 1 - ?
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013 SUBJECT 1 - Mallory ethanol Fuel Tester 9-79816 source:
Diesel Fuel Treatments PRI-D and Pri-Ocide; PRI-G for gasoline including
Ethanol fuels. Use non-ethanol for marine application but add PRI-G if ethanol is
Evinrude - Johnson 2 + 4 is another good gasoline conditioner/stabilizer. (has a dealer
locator link)
Smart Battery Desulfation/Charger Optimate 3+.
From any local Honda motorcycle dealer.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 SUBJECT 1 -
Offshore Sailing at Its Best –
Jen Mooney, virtually single handed, recently crossed the Pacific from
California to Hawaii. She is a Wabamun sailor, a sterling sailing
student of Paul Kantor, and she will share her story of the crossing.
How did this amazing event happen? You’ll have to come to the presentation
to find out. Indeed, sailing from NA to HI is on my personal bucket list, so
I’ll be there with bells on. Don’t miss it!
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013 SUBJECT 1 -
Rescue Me!
Jack Dale is an offshore instructor evaluator and offshore delivery skipper.
Last August on Turicum, a Maui-Vic boat, he carried out a medical evacuation
to an 1100-foot container ship 1000 miles north of Hawaii. His presentation
discusses both the evacuation and the role of the
Automated Mutual-assistance
Vessel Rescue System (AMVER) in marine rescues. Amazing video from
both vessels included.
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Summer break for sailing & stuff. |
Wednesday, November 20, 2013 ELECTIONS - For the following positions (elected shown):
Navigation by PC chart plotter (Bob Brunelle)
and by GPS (Bob Schimmel).
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013 SUBJECT 1 - Bob Schimmel to talk about his sailing experience in Holland on board a Halberg-Rassy 42. |