Alberta Offshore Sailing Association
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Date   Jan 21, Feb 18, March 17, April 21 / Nov 17, Dec 15
               (The 3rd WEDNESDAY of each month.)

Time       7:00 to 9:00 PM.

Where    The Royal Canadian Legion, Kingsway Branch No 175
                10425-Kingsway Ave, Rendezvous' Room (2nd flr.)
                Contact Person - Florence Werner 425-8654.

THEME: This year the meeting theme will wander through electrical issues: batteries, navigation, digital photography plus some hull maintenance and cruising items. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2004


Selecting Wood for a Boat Properties of wood, which wood to use on a boat to prevent water damage. Will bring samples. Different types sold at Windsor? Issues around grain direction, shedding water, wood strength, porosity with respect to gluing with epoxy joint strength with respect to fasteners. Dan from SS Windsor Plywood, 463-9663. 

Wabamun Chart - Demonstrate the new chart on the web site. Talk about improvements and features. Hazard lights. New light patterns. Bob Schimmel. 


Wednesday, February 18, 2004

TECH TIP - Don't clean your paint brush between coats. This uses a lot of messy polluting chemicals and is a wasted effort at best. Freeze the brush instead, inside a plastic bag. Find a spot at the back of the freezer where it won't be confused for something edible. If you can't find a freezer, shove it in the nearest snow bank. Allow a few minutes for the bristles to thaw. The nice thing about this technique is that you are starting with wet bristles. 

SUBJECT 1 - A brief discussion on the new "hazard markers" that we plan to deploy on Wabamun Lake. 

SUBJECT 2 - Diesel and gasoline engine maintenance tips by Rob Dawson from Fairview College.   Fairview College is well noted for its mechanical courses. Here is a sample of their Marine Service Technician course. 


Wednesday, March 17, 2004

TECH TIP - Epoxy spreader from Lee Valley & rubber fillet maker from Rona. 

SUBJECT 1 - Had a long discussion on the status of the hazard marker moorings and the liability issues concerning slinging your boat by a crane. 

SUBJECT 2 - A lively discussion in the basement to celebrate St. Patrick. 


Wednesday, April 21, 2004

TECH TIP - LED lighting?

SUBJECT 1 - For our last meeting of this winter, Bill Donahue from the U of A Environmental Research and Studies Centre to speak about the ecological and environmental issues concerning Wabamun Lake. 


Summer break for sailing an stuff.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

TECH TIP - Sikaflex, what temperature to apply it at.
                - going cheap is worse than poor economy. (the comparison of using a standard Delta 10" blade that saws come equipped with and one from a pricey Forrest blade. 

ELECTIONS - For the following positions: Commodore, Vice Commodore, Treasurer, Communications.

SUBJECT 1 - Digital photography by Nathan Hall from McBain CameraDigital versus analogue photography. How to optimize angles to create the right effect. Dealing with difficult lighting conditions on the water. Bring your digital camera with a set of fresh batteries. 


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

TECH TIP - Cardinal buoys on Wabamun Lake. 

SUBJECT 1 - Solar Power and Batteries by Steve Wiebe from eti solar - energy technologies inc.
BATTERIES - Different types (pros and cons), construction, suitability in a sail or power boat (sail boats heel up to 40 degrees and power boats pound across the waves), over/under charging, maintenance (winter storage and summer use).
CHARGING SYSTEMS - Generators, solar panels, regulators.
WIRING - Gauge, connectors, do's and don't at battery post, coated or uncoated wire. 
Just the sort of thing that keeps the boat operational without noise!