Alberta Offshore Sailing Association
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Dates    Jan 17 - Feb 21 - Mar 21 - Apr 18 - SUMMER BREAK - Nov 21 - Dec 12.
               (Meetings are on the 3rd WED of each month). 

Time       7:00 to 9:30 PM.

Place     The Royal Canadian Legion, Norwood Branch, No 178
               11150 - 82 St. NW
               Edmonton, Alberta
               (780) 479-4277
                Meeting is in the dart room, adjacent to the canteen downstairs.

AOSA MEMBERSHIP is $25/person/year and $10/spouse or $5/person/meeting   APPLICATION FORM (Please bring exact payment to meeting)

  Wednesday, January 17, 2018

SPEAKER Pat Lipton on sailing the Bahamas and Caribbean.

Meeting Date, Time & Place


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

SPEAKER Bettina Meuller and Jeff Foster will talk about searching for and buying a sailboat overseas.  They eventually found their dream boat, a Halberg-Rassy 42, which is likely the most common quality cruising sailboat out there.  These robust, practical Swedish cruisers are everywhere.  The 42, is instantly recognizable with its broad cove stripe, moderately high freeboard and comfortable center cockpit design.  Designed by German Frers and in production for more than a decade, the actual production runs of most HR models is surprising.  Yes, these boats are expensive, but they are brilliantly designed for crossing oceans and living comfortably once you arrive.  They hold their value well, which makes the expensive part less of a negative. 
The sister ship shown here was bought at the same yard that Bettina and Jeff bought their boat.

  Meeting Date, Time & Place


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

SPEAKER -  Whirling Disease - Emily Drystek (B.Sc. from U of Guelph, M.Sc. U of Toronto) Emily is an Education and Outreach Specialist working with Alberta Environment and Parks Whirling Disease Program to develop and implement their education and outreach strategy.

Whirling disease is a fish disease that negatively impacts some species of salmonids, trout and Rocky Mountain whitefish.  It was first noticed in Banff in August 2016.  Since that infection the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has declared the Bow, Oldman and Red Deer river systems as positive for whirling disease.  This presentation will cover the biology of whirling disease, the government's response and the actions we can take to help prevent the spread.

Meeting Date, Time & Place


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

SPEAKER -  Lenny Richer from Parkland County discussed the plans for a new public boat ramp to be built on the South shore of Wabamun Lake.  Bring your ideas.  He's looking for input.
(Many ideas were presented at the meeting and a thumb drive copy of the launching ramp pictures and videos was dropped off at Lenny's office for future assistance to Council).


Meeting Date, Time & Place


Enjoy the summer break for sailing & stuff.  See you in November.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

ELECTIONS - For the following positions (elected officers can be viewed here after the meeting):

  • Commodore (Phil Sutton).
  • Vice Commodore (Dave Carr).
  • Treasurer (Ron van Amsterdam).
  • Secretary (Linda Payne).
  • Fleet Captain (Jim Spalding).
  • Communications (Bob Schimmel).

SPEAKER -  Dave Carr to speak about his cousin in Massachusetts who is prepping his 43' sloop for a round Atlantic cruise planned for summer of 2020.  Massachusetts to Scotland, Oslo, Azores, Bermuda then back home.

Meeting Date, Time & Place


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

SPEAKER -  Roman Bayrock to speak about cruising the Rideau Canal.  Shown at right are the locks in Ottawa.  One of these days I will get there.

Meeting Date, Time & Place