Offshore Sailing Association
![]() (Competition for this meeting room is becoming fierce so we can't always follow our routine of the the "3rd WED of each month". These are the dates I negotiated for 2005). Time 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Where The
Royal Canadian Legion, Kingsway Branch No 175 THEME:
year the meeting theme will be varied to say the least. |
January 12, 2005
TECH TIP - Chain corrosion with regards to moorings and docks. For more information click on and then on mooring corrosion on the navigation bar at the top. SUBJECT 1 – Hugh Wollis, a Fish & Wildlife officer from the Stony Plain office to give a presentation on the bird life around Wabamun Lake. His current study is of the western grebes on Wabamun Lake. Very slender black and white bird that feeds on small fish. Hugh believes the Wabamun colony is the only one in western Canada so it demands protection. If you have any questions he can be contacted at 963-6131, ext 237 or SUBJECT 2 - We had a surprise visit from Jim Scott, captain of Scaurend, who gave an update on his round the world trip so far. Scaurend is currently lying in Fiji undergoing some maintenance and God only knows why he came back to -300C weather but we had a good time listening to his experiences. So far Jim has put 7000 NM under her keel on his way back to the west coast! Seems to be enjoying it too. Lots of discussion around maintenance and corrosion. |
February 16, 2005
TECH TIP - Smart battery chargers and battery maintenance. This discussion lead to another one of electrical corrosion. SUBJECT 1 - Hull inspection by Gilbert Requena from Alberta Marine Surveys. Are you curious about your hull or have absolutely no idea how to assess one, then you might find it might be worthwhile to attend this meeting. Gilbert gave a very good history of the materials used, advantages and disadvantages of each. Also some very good tips on performing your own survey. SUBJECT 2 - Quality of Wabamun Lake water by Hugh King. Discuss the conclusions of Dr. David Schindler and other noted scientists regarding the many years of research that has been done on the lake. |
March 16, 2005
TECH TIP - Shaker flashlight, (light with NO batteries). SUBJECT 1 - An informal chat with Colin Jackson from Cooper Boating to discuss a myriad of things under the sun: The Vic Maui race, various cruising areas, docking big boats, boat buying seminar... you name it! SUBJECT 2 - Silent auction. Arrive early so you can submit your bid. |
April 13, 2005
TECH TIP - Devcon Epoxy Putty for emergency hull repair. SUBJECT 1 - Rules of the road - Demonstrate various situations on the water with 1ft long models. This way sailors can learn by setting up their nightmare scenarios to understand the rules of the rules. Knowing the right of way is extremely important for a vessel that doesn't have brakes! Check this out. and you should use some common sense. Anyway, I think you get the idea. The discussion will be simple in the beginning but I have a feeling that several "difficult situations" will be discussed as well. It could continue into start line and mark rounding situations or course setup. It is doubtful that we will anybody on hand to settle a dispute. SUBJECT 2 - Person Overboard – A round table discussion to develop a drill with a step-by-step process for 2, 3 or 4 people left on the boat. Such as one person's sole duty is to keep pointing their arm at the person in the water so as not to lose site of them in the waves. Also which is better; drop the sails and run the engine with the risk of injury by a prop, or turn under sail with the risk of stalling in the wind and delaying a pickup or loosing the person in the waves. Better to have the vessel upwind or downwind? Once the casualty is next to the hull, how do you get them aboard? Is you ladder adequate? I visualize different techniques for power or sail. This subject should get some blood stirring and will be a good one to practice for the upcoming season. |
Summer break for sailing & stuff. |
November 16, 2005
TECH TIP - ? ELECTIONS - For the following positions: Commodore, Vice Commodore, Treasurer, Communications. SUBJECT 1 - Colin Northcott will give us a talk on ham radios. SUBJECT 2 - ? |
December 14?, 2005
TECH TIP - ? SUBJECT 1 - A social evening in the canteen? All rooms are booked for Xmas functions. SUBJECT 2 - ? |