Alberta Offshore Sailing Association
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CANADIAN FLAG ETIQUETTE - If you fly only one flag on your boat, it should be the Canadian flag.  The correct size of the Canadian flag for your vessel is 10 cm of fly per meter LOA or 1" of fly per foot LOA for those of you still hung up on the Imperial system. 

BURGEE ETIQUETTE - Most yacht clubs have a unique burgee (triangular flag) that identifies a member's boat.

  • A sloop rigged sailing vessel should fly it's burgee from a lanyard under the starboard spreader.  On an older style sailing vessel the burgee is flown from the main masthead.
  • A Powerboat flies its burgee from a short staff on the bow.

CANADIAN FLAG ETIQUETTE - A sailboat should always fly a national flag when underway, except when racing.

  • A national flag is the first to be hoisted and the last to be lowered.  It's bad etiquette to leave a national flag hoisted after sunset or while the vessel is unattended.

  • On a sloop-rigged sailboat the Canadian flag is to be flown, if possible, 2/3 up the backstay, NOT on a stern mounted flagstaff. 

  • On a powerboat the Canadian flag is to be flown on a stern mounted flagstaff.


The Sail Canada (CYA) governs the sport of sailing in Canada with a regional association handling the local flavour in each province.

In Alberta that group is the Alberta Sailing Association (ASA) whose office is at the Percy Page Centre in Edmonton.  The CYA office has recently placed a film on their web site.  To view it click on "Lets go Racing.

  Alberta Power & Sail Squadrons The Edmonton Squadron of the Canadian Power & Sail Squadron serves the area of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  Many of their students and members boat locally and in distant locations.  There are a variety of preferences, power and/or sail, within the organization.  The members have vast experiences, including travels to Alaska and passages around the Cape! 
For all you Calgary members here is the link to the Calgary Squadron
. National Squadron 

  Cold Lake Sailing Club - The club is berthed in the marina located on the south shore of Cold Lake, only 300KM northeast of Edmonton. There are 255 long-term berths and 40+ guest berths. Other services are overnight security, launching ramp, sewage pump out, fuel, oil, maps, fishing license, coffee bar, store, etc.  For reservations call toll free 1-877-639-3535 or send an email.  This club consists mostly of cruising sail boats in the 20 to 30 foot range.  Races are handicapped to allow all types of boats and levels of crew experience to be competitive.  Our aim is to sponsor events that promote friendly competition.  Visitors are always welcome to join in our events.  The Prairie Endurance Challenge is a major regatta held in the middle of August. 

  Cooking Lake Sail ClubThis dinghy club was/is located on South Cooking Lake, 14 miles east of Sherwood Park, on Highway 14. Club events include a Sunday race series, spring and fall regattas as well as a number of family fun and social events throughout the year. They also offer CYA Learn to Sail programs. Amenities include a modern clubhouse with kitchen, change rooms, fireplace, sail equipment storage, as well as ample boat parking, laser racks, club boat dollies, 2 rescue boats, and visitor camping for regatta's. New members are welcome! 

Edmonton Yacht ClubThis cruiser club is located on the shore of Seba Beach at the west end of Wabamun Lake.  Shore facilities include a fire pit is and a clubhouse with kitchen, washrooms, and showers.  The pay phone is located on the North side of the clubhouse.  Deep water mooring, anchoring and dock space are available.  The bottom is sand.  It is a poor place to stay if the storm is from the east.  Sailors are welcome any time.  EYC also hosts the Northern Alberta Sailing College to teach sailing.

Poole Sail ClubThis cruiser club was located on the north shore of Wabamun Lake at Poole Scout Camp.  Maybe it can be resurrected when new management runs the camp.  Shore facilities include a fire pit, BBQ shelter, flush outhouse and showers up in the Scout camp.  The "lighthouse", adjacent to the dock, is 20 feet above water level.  The strobe light switches on automatically at night.  There are two deep-water guest moorings.  Bring your dinghy to get to shore.  The water at the end of the pier is about five feet deep.  The bottom is sand.  It is a poor place to anchor if the storm is from the southeast.  However, your boat will be secure on a mooring but it will be a rough ride if you stay on board.  Sailors are welcome any time.  Just as a side note, this is where the AOSA was conceived as a way of  maintaining the sailing interest over the winter and where Dick Weir, WARDEN, taught the majority of old time sailors their first lessons.
NOTE - Do not anchor in this area.  The bottom is littered with about 15 moorings and their chains, stretched out to shore.  If you snag a chain you will likely end up having to cut your anchor line.

Sylvan Lake Sailing ClubLocated on the south shore of Sylvan Lake, close to the lighthouse.  Their big annual event is the End of Summer Hummer Regatta.

Sunshine Bay Yacht ClubThis cruiser club is located on Sunshine Bay at the southwest end of Wabamun Lake.  Shore facilities include a club house with shower, toilet facilities and a huge deck, BBQ shelter with fire pit, 2 chemical toilets, and ample parking.  Sunshine Bay is probably the best-protected bay on Wabamun Lake.  The floating docks are in deep water.  Sailors are welcome to stay overnight.  Please ask which slip to use or anchor off. 

Wabamun Sailing ClubThis dinghy club is located on the north shore of Wabamun Lake at Ritchie Point, approximately 3.2 km west of the village of Wabamun.  Shore facilities consist of a club house with shower and toilet facilities, launching and storage area for dinghies.  Water is about chest deep at the end of the pier.  Bottom is sand.  If you arrive in a cruiser be prepared to anchor off.  WSC also hosts the Northern Alberta Sailing College to teach sailing.

Wabamun Marina & RV ParkThis private deep-water marina is located at the village of Wabamun.  The launching ramp has cement walks on either side that are excellent for controlling your boat in a side wind.  The marina has showers, toilets, a social room and a deck.  They sell gasoline and outboard oil from the dock plus offer a sewage pump out facility.  There are no guest slips as yet and the gate is kept locked to keep the riff raff on their side of the fence.  No not the boat!



Calgary & Area Sail Clubs.

The Glenmore Sailing Club

Calgary Yacht Club

Disabled Sailing Association of Alberta

Foothills Association of Cruiser Sailors

Ghost Lake Sailing Academy

Send mail to Newell Sailing Club