Required Materials

The Navigator Module

Sextants, data worksheets, and plotting sheets will be provided, along with a Duotang folder to hold all your papers together.

If you already own a sextant, you are of course welcome to bring it along. But you don't need to bring a sextant of your own to enjoy this class to its fullest.

Required items – things you must bring with you to class:

An optional item that you may find helpful:

I will do my best to help you find stars like Procyon or Pollux, but it is easy for me to point and say "Do you see THAT one there?" and have you say "Yes"...when really, we are both looking at different stars. 

It will help you if you have a hand bearing compass.  That way, if your I say, "Look for a star bearing 96° magnetic that is around 34° above the horizon" you will more likely be able to pick out the proper star.

If you don't have a hand bearing compass yet, but would like to purchase a quality item to use during sailing trips yet to come, coastal or offshore, I really like this one.  It's pricey, but you can read bearings to the nearest 1/2°.  And at night, you can flash it for a moment with the white lights from your headlamp, and it will glow for several minutes...allowing you to read the bearing in the dark.

If you already have one of these, then bring it along.  If you have been thinking it was about time to purchase a good compass, this could be the right time to take the plunge.

But if you have no real use for a hand bearing compass except for in this class, don't bother.  It is a pretty expensive item for a course where our windows for star sights are just minutes long out of a class that only lasts for 15 hours total.  You can get by without it.

The Exam Module

Required items you must bring are: