Late Arrival

The course will be hands-on, face-paced and intense. Each student will seek to perform fixes based on 14 actual sextant sights he or she takes of sun/moon/planet/stars in just 15 hours of class time. If you arrive late, you will never be able to make up what you miss.

Class will start at 5:30:00 AM, as defined by:

Synchronize your watch the night before!

There are only a few minutes in the window of time between when a) the horizon of the lake becomes visible against the black background of the trees, and b) the stars get washed out. Dawn will approach, the sky will lighten, and the stars will disappear from the sky whether you are there to look at them or not.

Missing Class

The course builds on itself, piece by piece. If we are to be fair to the students who DO arrive, it will not be feasible for the instructor to hold back the rest of the class to try and get you up to speed on everything from the day you missed.  And frankly, some of the pre-dawn celestial objects will no longer be available for shooting by the next week.

If you miss a class completely, then you really shouldn't bother to come back. Your best bet is to retake the class in year 2016.

Course fees, alas, will be non-refundable at this point. By that time, all our costs have been fixed whether you show up or not.
